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Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Beauty Detox

I have just finished The Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly Snyder.
Her book is all about living the lifestyle of constantly cleansing by eating a raw vegan diet but there's a lot more to it then just eating healthy. A major component to this detox was concentrating on the combination of foods as well as the order in which we eat them. She explains if you want to shed weight and improve your natural beauty you need to save your body's energy to do so. An average person uses around 80% of there body's energy on digestion. When we use less energy on digestion our body can use it on improving our skin, hair, and nails as well as keeping our bodies lean and toned. By the looks of Kim I would say she makes it look possible to achieve your perfect body.

Adjusting My Lifestyle:
I have already decided that I am going to keep to a mostly raw vegan diet (that is when I do eat). But I'm going to concentrate on the requirements of  food combination as well to help myself cleanse. On Kim's blog I found an article about a One Day Cleanse I think what I will do is make this "One" day cleanse a two week cleanse. While sticking to the 200, 400, 500 (or less) calorie rotation. In her book she suggest taking natural supplements to enhance the detoxing like taking probiotics first thing in the morning, digestive enzymes at dinner, and magnesium oxygen supplements right before bed.  Must go get those!!
I love starting anew and today feels great.
So far I have only had a mug of hot water and lemon juice. For dinner I think I will dine on a cup of peach detox tea. I don't think I will eat any solid foods, I really have no desire to eat at all today. I'm probably still feel full from yesterday's feast. Gross
Cheers to new beginnings. xx

For more information on Kim check out my link's page.


  1. i love how us ED girls use "one day" or "one week" diets as our "off and on year long diet"s. this information was super interesting, i never thought about it before! id never be able to eat raw vegan, im not much a meat lover, but i need dairy to live haha good luck with the diet though!

  2. good luck with this! it sounds like a really good plan :) xo.
